Sunday, October 19, 2008

tagged out of inertia

poked, commented & phoned out of it by the vyas. so here goes.

my oldest memory:
watching a movie out of a tiny square window, projector whirring in the background. kulfi & popcorn during the break & rabbit spotting on the way back home.

10 years ago: i bought my first computer.

my first thought this morning: what a strange dream that was. what was it?

you built a time capsule today what would it contain: a bar of chocolate, a bottle (um, make that a case) of the finest wine (can u imagine what a treasure that would be!), chai & coffee, seeds (of everything), candles, matches, a macbook with a wi-fi card and a ping pong ball.

this year:
gives me a sense of deja vu.

14 years from now:
stocks might be up.


Shweta said...

this year: gives me a sense of deja vu.

So true! Fractals, we are m'dear, and we feel it ever so often.

footloose said...

we're fractals! yay!