Monday, April 11, 2005

Sunday, April 10, 2005

the brilliance of brian lara

who comes back after an eight-month break from first-class test cricket to score 196 runs?

brian. charles. lara.

my toes just touched the water

norah jones has been keeping me company in the car. didn't quite like her at first. she was too quiet. too boring like. so i went back to her after exhausting all other options. including u2 revisited. which was awesome. u2, that is. vertigo ran to roaring (swearing?) applause. but back to norah. told u she was all quiet and non-intrusive. she can make u do a double take, though. found myself increasing the volume first (interesting how that made her sound much better). and then repeating a song so i could listen more carefully. and then again. she does grow on you, norah does.


Saturday, April 09, 2005

you ever do that?

i've gotten into this habit of reading stuff backwards. been at least a few years now. dunno how or why this started. it's not like i read words backwards... more at the sentence/paragraph level. so each time i see a long-ish article, i move right to the end and work my way back to the front.

i freak me out.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

bloody hell indeed

*horror* look what i missed!!!

new boy dhoni making a splash. niiiiiiiiiice! 

viru and dhoni doing pakistan's dhulai! 

sachin getting run out. awwww... why him?!!  

bees getting into the act! that's right, get 'em green ones!!! 

razzaq threatening to make a match of it...  

... before inzy almost killed him. for running him out. a-g-a-i-n. *chuckle*


the post match banter where inzy got all witty. 

man of the match. 148 runs. 15 fours. 4 sixes. bloody wow!  

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

bloody hell

that's the first thing i said this morning. while still in bed. definitely not a good way to start the day. reminds me of something i read a long time ago... a little snippet written by a man describing his new born son. the kid, only a few months old, had a favorite word. he'd repeat it each time he saw something that excited him. and each morning, when he opened his eyes, he'd say it again --- 'WOW'.