Saturday, May 21, 2005

the importance of le derrierre

early saturday morning. i had a book in one hand. a bowl of sliced mango in the other. a bottle of water tucked under my arm. the brother's oversized slippers on my feet. together, we slipped down the stairs. went flying and landed with a BIG thud/crash/glug, five steps down. me on my butt. the book on the floor. the glass bowl all over the place. don't remember what happened to the bottle.

a path so treacherous 

now listen carefully. your derrierre is a good thing. a very good thing. feed it. pamper it. and don't listen to the likes of kate moss or heidi klum.


Anonymous said...

Poor you. BTW, we never found that Arnica 1M.

Anonymous said...

picture yours?! could not tell for sure. Very neat but.(pun not unintended)

footloose said...

sheetal: the arnica 1m might've helped me pull off that movie marathon. oh well. next week then. and no birding shirding for u either!

the other vyas: the picture's mine indeed. u like it, eh? i got more. oh and btw, caught indie film club... inspired :)

Shiny Butter Knife said...

Ok, this is late to the party, I know, but this was a funny post nonetheless. Nice blog you got here, footloose.

footloose said...

sbk: thanks much! u've got a pretty fun blog urself!