Friday, March 25, 2005

bonfire on the roadside

as i was driving around town this evening, i saw fire. like *fire* fire? no. filmi fire? nope. ooooooooooooh, it must be that holi bonfire thingie then. it was. some people were carrying out an elaborate ritual by the roadside. was the first time i actually watched one live... here's pics for you good god-fearing folks :D

not too clear, but hey, the best i could do in the crowd...

holi bonfire

feeding the fire

here's one more pic


Rohit said...

Lovin the bonfire, of course, because we don't get much of that here. Hard to light those things in snow.

But dude, where... are... the... COLOURS?! Where are the Amitabh-wannabees running through the streets of Hyd singing and dancing? Where are the ugly-faced politicians using the celebration as an excuse to make their posters even MORE pink?

Details, details! :)

footloose said...

haha... u actually said wannaBEE :)

Louis said...

The wonders of india ....

footloose said...

cud've easily been 'the blunders of india'. notice cardboard boxes and such around the fire? oh well, anything for tradition :D